Sunday, June 27, 2010

Life in Brazil

I am finally updating this thing !!!!!rs.. last time I posted something I wrote about our decision to go back to Brazil. Today I can assure you that Glauco and I really took the right decision! Since the time we got to the airport things started to work out. First of all we were carrying about 6 bas plus a 37" Tv... we were planning to pay about $ 300 to $400 of extra... for some reason the guy from United was so nice.. we were talking and he was so impressed to know that a young couple having a life in US decided to go back home not knowing what was going to happen now on...long story short, he did not charged us!!! that was pretty exciting :) Everything got as expected to final destination( Curitiba), even our TV!! To see my family after 5 yrs was so good.. everyone crying but happy. On our second day here we went downtown to see SRE, which is a church department here to look for jobs, about 30 min there a brother sent us to next building where a guy was hiring people for different positions and we were going g to give them our resume. Well we had an interview!!I wasn't even dress out for an interview.. anyways, next day we went to santa Catarina plannig to spend a week there. Well we spent 4 days there because Exxon mobil called me and with less than a week I was day Glauco, who is teaching English at a pretty nice school here. Things are going perfectly well, we are so happy, especially now that we already have our place, we rented a apt in downtown close to everything we need... I miss our friends and Family a lot.. Hope to go visit you guys soon... we love you all!!!


  1. first 2 pics- Brasil
    last 3 on our last week in US

  2. I am so happy you blogged Camila! And I am so glad things are going so well for you in Brazil!

  3. Cabecinha!! Saudades..... que bom que ta updating seu blog!!! uhuu... ve se me liga essa semana pra contar as novidades. Beijao!!

  4. camila, i hope you dont mind me reading your blog but this post made me so happy for you guys! its amazing how you get the promptings of the spirit and you just cant figure out why but you act anyways and things work out! so happy! Take care.

  5. Que bom ouvir noticias suas! Eu falei com a Raquel esses dias e ela tinha me dito mesmo que voces estavam super bem! Espero que tudo continue dando certo...achei o maximo que vcs se acertaram tao rapido! Continue nos dando noticias...e maybe se vc quiser contar de como tem sido a readaptacao de voltar pro Brasil...hehe, I would like to know! ;)
    Beijos pra vc!
