Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Hi everyone!!!!! Things are going fine... some little problems in life but always trusting that better days will come! And what is the best thing to forget a bad day???.. A new dish!!! so here it goes.. for those that can't read in portuguese my apologies.. I will try to traslat it latter... Bolinho de abobora 200 g de abóbora cozida no vapor e processada - 3 gemas - 100 g de farinha de trigo - pitada de noz-moscada - sal e pimenta-do-reino a gosto - 3 claras em neve - 4 colheres (sopa) de azeite - 1/2 cebola picadinha - 300 g de camarão sete barbas limpo (opcional) - 1 tomate sem pele e sem sementes picado - 1 colher (sobremesa) de colorau - cheiro verde picado a gosto (salsa, cebolinha e coentro) - sal e pimenta-do-reino a gosto - 250 g de requeijão cremoso Preparo: 1 - Numa tigela coloque 200 g de abóbora cozida no vapor e processada, 3 gemas, 100 g de farinha de trigo, pitada de noz-moscada, sal e pimenta-do-reino a gosto e misture bem até ficar uma massa homogênea. Acrescente 3 claras em neve e mexa delicadamente com o auxílio de um batedor de arame. 2 - Em forminhas individuais tipo de empadinha (5 cm de altura x 7 cm de borda) bem untadas e bem enfarinhadas, coloque a massa até preencher 3/4 de cada forminha. Obs.: esta massa pode ser guardada na geladeira de um dia para o outro 3 - Numa panela em fogo médio aqueça 4 colheres (sopa) de azeite e refogue 1/2 cebola picadinha por 3 minutos. Junte 300 g de camarão sete barbas limpo (opcional), 1 tomate sem pele e sem sementes picado e 1 colher (sobremesa) de colorau e refogue por mais 3 minutos. Acrescente cheiro verde picado a gosto (salsa, cebolinha e coentro), sal e pimenta-do-reino a gosto e 250 g de requeijão cremoso e misture bem. 4 - Transfira esta mistura para um liquidificador e bata bem. Deixe esfriar, coloque num saco de confeiteiro e reserve. 5 - Coloque a ponta do saco de confeiteiro no centro da massa (de uma forminha) e vá apertando o saco com as mãos, até a massa subir e chegar na borda da forminha. Repita este procedimento até terminar todas as forminhas. Leve ao forno pré-aquecido a 200 graus por exatos 12 minutos.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Life in Brazil
I am finally updating this thing !!!!!rs.. last time I posted something I wrote about our decision to go back to Brazil. Today I can assure you that Glauco and I really took the right decision! Since the time we got to the airport things started to work out. First of all we were carrying about 6 bas plus a 37" Tv... we were planning to pay about $ 300 to $400 of extra... for some reason the guy from United was so nice.. we were talking and he was so impressed to know that a young couple having a life in US decided to go back home not knowing what was going to happen now on...long story short, he did not charged us!!! that was pretty exciting :) Everything got as expected to final destination( Curitiba), even our TV!! To see my family after 5 yrs was so good.. everyone crying but happy. On our second day here we went downtown to see SRE, which is a church department here to look for jobs, about 30 min there a brother sent us to next building where a guy was hiring people for different positions and we were going g to give them our resume. Well we had an interview!!I wasn't even dress out for an interview.. anyways, next day we went to santa Catarina plannig to spend a week there. Well we spent 4 days there because Exxon mobil called me and with less than a week I was day Glauco, who is teaching English at a pretty nice school here. Things are going perfectly well, we are so happy, especially now that we already have our place, we rented a apt in downtown close to everything we need... I miss our friends and Family a lot.. Hope to go visit you guys soon... we love you all!!!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Love of my Life
Today, February 7. Second day on my blog... I don't even know how it really works yet.. but I am working on it. August 22 of 2008 was the most important day of my life so far. I married Glauco, the most amazing person I known, I married him for time and Eternity at Salt Lake Temple. During the morning of this important day on my life, I was really nervous, but happy to have my mom by my side, with my grandma and dad. My hands were cold until the time we were sealed. I was so happy, my heart was full of happiness to know I was there to marry the right person. I thought that I was going to cry during the ceremony, but I was trying hard to control myself and don't mess up with the makeup...but Glauco couldn't hold his tears.. that was so cute!!!! After the sealing we spend some time taking pic.. but I was so tired, anyways.. we went over to the Wunderli's house, where we were going to have our reception. OH MY GOSH.... everything was so perfect, decoration, weather, food, my dress ( I was just upset about my hair) my parents, my eternal boyfriend!!!!! what an amazing day... I will post some pictures to share a little of this remarkable day in our lifes... The Souza Family, established august 22 of 2008 for all eternity...
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